Posts tagged math blogs
The Poetry of Calculus
A cylindrical silo in South Dakota, perhaps the basis of a related rates problem in calculus. Image: flickr user Lars Plougmann
“Facing a streetlight under batty moths
And June bugs racheting like broken clock springs,
I stand, for the sake of a problem, on the curb—
Neither in grass nor gutter—while those wings
Switch down the light an [...]
Celebrating the Grandmothers of STEM
Astrophysicist Carol Jo Crannell, mathematician Annalisa Crannell, and Iolanthe Good, three generations of women who love STEM. Image: Ximena Catepillan.
In honor of my grandmother’s birthday last Thursday, I wrote about Grandma Got STEM, a blog that collects stories of older women in science careers.
Some have had illustrious careers a [...]
This Week in Number Theory
A visualization of the twin primes using an Ulam spiral. Created by Silveira Neto and shared under a Creative Commons-attribution-share alike license.
The week of May 12 was pretty big for number theory. I wrote about some of the blog coverage of the two major results.
By now you’ve probably heard the announcements of two big results in numbe [...]
The Mathematics of Planet Earth
This is my first contribution to a new blog hosted by the American Mathematical Society, the Blog on Math Blogs. My co-editor Brie Finegold and I are “touring the mathematical blogosphere” to help people keep up with math news and find new blogs to read. My inaugural post is about the Mathematics of Planet Earth blog.
Like the ini [...]
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